Wednesday, July 1, 2009


YPT day, so I was in for my adjusted schedule.  I still left Nido relatively early (slept about an hour and a half more than usual, but wanted to get out because my roommate was still around...apparently, her boss said that she is not needed for this last week, so I will probably not get any of my much-needed "Corrina alone time" for a while...).  My first task was picking up glow paint from Flint's Hire and Supply, which is near Elephant and Castle.  It was obnoxiously hot when I walked to and fro from the bus stop, but I thoroughly enjoy theatrical supply shops, so the trip was worth it.  I'll start painting tomorrow...

When I arrived at work, I did some YPT prep (still hunting for some random prop items), then killed my time before YPT by doing some cable labeling (now we're adding BAC labels to some of them to prevent accidental thievery...).  Sam arrived a little after 4:00, and we had a brief production meeting to discuss next week's schedule and the remaining to-do list with Josh.  I should have a relatively eventful day tomorrow as I prepare.  We have one last casual rehearsal on Saturday afternoon (which means that Saturday will be a crazy day in terms of running around for me), then get-in on Monday morning, tech on Monday night, final dress on Tuesday afternoon, and opening on Tuesday night.  I'm's going to be a pretty tech-heavy show, especially for YPT standards.  We may have some flying as well, so I will potentially be backstage rather than up in the booth (I have found that most ops are self-sufficient here, so Josh will probably just handle all of the lights and sound and I will keep backstage sorted).  Rehearsal tonight went surprisingly well...I'll admit, one or two of the kids could use a good smack now and then, but the focus tonight was so much better than usual.  The kids blamed the heat...Sam suggested that we bring in heaters next rehearsal.  :)

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