Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Draping, Hostel-Hunting, and My Favorite Pub

Work today was split pretty equally between running-around and sitting at a desk...not a bad combination for a tired girl like me.  :)  When I first went in (after my morning cuppa), I did some random fetching for the show in the Council Chamber (an elementary school's Shakespeare review), which included a lovely trip to the chair store (where we were building last week).  I have determined that the chair store is the second-creepiest place in the building, the first, of course, being the crypt under the main stairs.  I also worked with Ed as we attempted to turn the Member's Bar (from which the bar was removed a few weeks ago) into a cinema-like atmosphere for a film component of an exhibition on Jerzy Grotowski (the original set for "Akropolis" is in one of the upstairs rooms as well).  The project was begun by Rob yesterday, so we finished putting up scaffolding and draped off the room, conveniently covering the paint job that was done last week.  :)  It was actually pretty tiring, climbing a ladder and hanging the heavy curtains.

Eventually, Luke called down to the technical wing to tell me that BAC would not be able to put me up in housing during tech for "Time Was," but they will take care of my expenses if I stay elsewhere.  Thus, I spent a good chunk of the afternoon sifting through the various websites devoted to the hostel/hotel/guest house scene of Merry Olde London Towne.  :)  The most fun ones included beautiful descriptions, but personal ratings with warnings of giant rats and unsanitary communal bathrooms.  I eventually found a guest house that is really close to BAC and reasonably inexpensive...hopefully, I'll be able to snatch up a room before they are all gone.  :)

I topped off my evening by visiting my old haunt, The Famous Cock.  No noteworthy, Earth-shattering news to report, but I just like to mention when I visit obscenely-named pubs because I miss making my friends laugh.  :)

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